Letters to the Lord: Three Days

Elizabeth Musser

I asked Kim Platt, my dear friend, colleague with One Collective, and fellow Pastor to our Workers, to be my guest today. I know her words will be an encouragement to your soul.

3 Days

The 10th of August marks 3 years since my breast surgery. I’m still ‘coming to terms’ with it. I’ve been thinking a lot about having body parts removed—ectomy: hysterectomy, cholecystectomy, tonsillectomy, thyroidectomy. Maybe with the thyroid there is an indent where someone who knows can see that something is missing. But usually you can’t spot someone who has had their gall bladder out—their external shape is unchanged. You can’t spot that something’s gone and you can’t see the healing. And then there is the breast—not something on public display.

But why did I let them cut into my breast and alter the shape of my body? Altered but hidden, visible only to me…

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